
The cost of becoming a Member is £8.00 per annum for adults and £5.00 per annum for OAP’s. As a member, you will be required to attend the Annual General Meeting and any Extra-Ordinary Annual General Meetings, which might be called from time to time. The meetings provide you with the opportunity to hear about the work of the Charity and you can exercise your right to vote on issues, such as the appointment of the Trustees. In addition, you will receive a copy of our newsletter, which provides an update on the Charity’s work and updates about the animals in our care.

To become a member, click the subscribe button below.

Membership Options

Shelter Hours

We are open to the public:

APPOINTMENT ONLY from 1pm – 3pm Monday to Sunday

Rescue Centre Address: Honeywell Lane, Oldham, OL8 2JP
Parking: Free parking facing the Rescue

Rescue Centre Address: Honeywell Lane, Oldham, OL8 2JP
Parking: Free parking facing the Rescue

&copy 2018 Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO | Website maintained by Aspect IT Limited