Contact Us

Rescue Centre

Honeywell Lane, Oldham. OL8 2JP

Opening Times: APPOINTMENT ONLY from 1pm – 3pm Monday to Sunday.

Telephone: 0161 621 0819


Facebook: Pennine Pen Animal Rescue

Charity Shops:

Brackley Square

Opening Times: 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Saturday

4, Brackley Square, Egerton Street, Oldham. OL1 3RS

Facebook: Pennine Pen Charity Shops

Telephone: 0161 633 0113


Opening Times: 10.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Saturday

11, Troughgate, Elm Road, Hollins, Oldham. OL8 3TH

Facebook: Pennine Pen Charity Shops

Telephone: 0161 626 0642

Market Street

Opening Times: 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Saturday

57, Market Street, Shaw, Oldham. OL2 8NP

Facebook: Pennine Pen Charity Shops

Telephone: 01706 882 085

Send us a Message

If you are enquiring about an animal, please email the Rescue ( and include the animal’s name in your message.



Shelter Hours

We are open to the public:

APPOINTMENT ONLY from 1pm – 3pm Monday to Sunday

Rescue Centre Address: Honeywell Lane, Oldham, OL8 2JP

Parking: Free parking facing the Rescue

&copy 2018 Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO | Website maintained by Aspect IT Limited