Standing Orders

Standing Orders

Providing regular monthly donations (e.g. £10 per month) helps the charity budget for outgoing expenses and helps to feed and provide veterinary care for our animals.

You now have two options to choose from:

Option 1:  Set up a standing order online via your bank to the following account:

Account name:        Pennine Pen Animal Rescue R/C 1170490

Sort Code:              08-92-99.

Account Number:    65835744.

Please could we also ask that if you are a UK tax payer, that you give consideration to completing the attached Gift Aid declaration form, to enable the charity to reclaim an additional 25% on each donation you make at no extra cost to you.  A signed copy can either be returned by post, or sent by email, to:

If you are not able to Gift Aid your donation, please can we ask that you still provide your details to the Charity, so that we are able to update our records.  Please email with your name, address and donation amount.

Option 2:  Complete and return a Standing Order mandate.

Please complete the attached Standing Order mandate and return by post to Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO, Honeywell Lane, Oldham.  OL8 2JP.   Please note that there can be a delay in the standing order being set up, due to the fact that the form has to be sent to the bank for processing.

If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the Gift Aid declaration box on the form.

Shelter Hours

We are open to the public:

APPOINTMENT ONLY from 1pm – 3pm Monday to Sunday

Rescue Centre Address: Honeywell Lane, Oldham, OL8 2JP

Parking: Free parking facing the Rescue

&copy 2018 Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO | Website maintained by Aspect IT Limited