About Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO

Michael Waugh had always had a love of animals and was extremely passionate about ensuring that those which were abandoned and unwanted, were given a second chance to find a forever home.

In 2001, Michael established Pennine Pen Animal Rescue as a charity and went on to rent a small terrace dwelling in Hathershaw. There was space to house a small number of animals and the front of the property became a charity shop.

By 2009, Pennine Pen Animal Rescue had outgrown the terrace dwelling and took the bold step of purchasing its own property on Honeywell Lane, Oldham. It was from this location that the Rescue Centre was formally established and where it still operates from to this day.

The organisation has gone from strength to strength over the years and we are exceptionally proud of everything we have achieved.

The Rescue premises have gradually been modernised to ensure that the animals benefit from the best facilities possible while they are in our care. The Charity also operates a number of shops in different locations across Oldham and the funds raised from the sale of donated items are our lifeline to keeping the Rescue Centre operational.

Pennine Pen Animal Rescue is registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, protecting the interests of the organisation for future years.

However, none of this would ever have been possible without the dedication and commitment of our staff and volunteers and the fantastic support and generosity of our funders and the general public.

Shelter Hours

We are open to the public:

APPOINTMENT ONLY from 1pm – 3pm Monday to Sunday

Rescue Centre Address: Honeywell Lane, Oldham, OL8 2JP

Parking: Free parking facing the Rescue

&copy 2018 Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO | Website maintained by Aspect IT Limited