
Support Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO when you are selling.

Many people use eBay as a way to sell unwanted items, but did you know that you could donate a percentage of the final selling price directly to the charity?

eBay for Charity allows a seller to decide what percentage of the selling price they would like to keep for themselves and what percentage they would like to donate to the Rescue.

eBay for Charity listings are the same as any other eBay listing, except for the blue and yellow eBay for Charity ribbon in search results and Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO’s mission statement and logo in your listing. This means your listing can be seen by everyone who searches through eBay.co.uk and it will also get extra visibility through the eBay for Charity pages.

To find out more about eBay for Charity, please follow the link: https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/penninepen1?_trksid=p2047675.l2559

Pennine Pen’s eBay account:

Some items which are kindly donated to the charity for our fairs and for sale in our charity shops can often realise more money if sold through eBay.

We have now set up a separate eBay account which lists new, sought after and rarer items in the hope that we can raise more money from public donations.

To visit the eBay account and view the items we have available, please follow the link: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/263531597327

Shelter Hours

We are open to the public:

APPOINTMENT ONLY from 1pm – 3pm Monday to Sunday

Rescue Centre Address: Honeywell Lane, Oldham, OL8 2JP
Parking: Free parking facing the Rescue

Rescue Centre Address: Honeywell Lane, Oldham, OL8 2JP
Parking: Free parking facing the Rescue

&copy 2018 Pennine Pen Animal Rescue CIO | Website maintained by Aspect IT Limited